Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Across Time Zones (Sandy)

We agreed to meet our friend at 3 p.m. to go for a walk and take some photos. I got down to the lobby at 2.55 according to my watch, handed my key to Reception, and noted that the clock on the lobby wall said about 2.50.

Our friend was waiting. She asked where Ms. Lee was, and I said it was still a few minutes before 3, according to my watch, and maybe even 8 or 10 minutes before 3, according to the clock in the lobby.

She looked at me. "You measure time in minutes?"


That was one of the most interesting questions I have heard in a while. Certainly she knows that Vietnamese have "rubber time" and that Americans do not. Whether she was exposed to this time-in-minutes concept as a student or she came up with the idea herself doesn't matter.

And when I asked how Vietnamese measure time, she laughed.

Yes, we measure time in minutes. Tick tock. Sands in the hourglass. Fashion today, obsolete tomorrow. New friends become old friends; experience fades into memory. Memory fades -- or becomes more selective. Here today, gone tomorrow. You can't step in the same river -- the Mekong! -- twice. Time and space. Time zones. The wheel goes round and around. The odometer clicks over. 

On time, in time, out of time.

And so it will shortly be time to go home -- to check out, pay the cab driver for the one-way ride to the airport, check in at least 2 hours before the international flight, go through security and more security, and then fly east across at least 10 time zones to almost exactly the other side of the earth (although significantly more northerly). The flight will last over 24 hours but I will land on the same date that I took off from  the other side of the world.

Time flies and has flown again.

Hello. Goodbye.

And hello again.


Time and No Time (Sandy)

If you're not up and functioning by 7 a.m., the locals may think that you are sick. Look out at 5 a.m. and see people going for a walk, playing badminton, doing calisthenics in the street. And then they eat their morning soup (usually it is soup) either at work or on their way to work. Slurping and burping are acceptable.

At 11 a.m., almost religiously, the place roars to a halt for lunch and a nap, waking up again between 1 and 2 to zoom forward until 4 or 5, at which point the motorbike roar starts again: home. But dinner, too, may be away from home, depending on how much time has been spent to stock the larders. And then at night: the young especially go to coffee bars to meet friends and talk and sit with a cafe sua da, a Tiger Beer, a fruity smoothie, or a Coke (but just as noodles in the U.S. do not taste the same as noodles here, so too Coke does not taste the same here as at home). Pennywort juice, watermelon juice, an avocado smoothie. 

Time moves slowly at night.

No rush.

Here you have to ask for the bill; there is no trying to move you out so others can occupy your seat and make the owner more money. Vietnam runs on "rubber time" -- nothing scheduled on the hour starts on the hour. And here it somehow doesn't matter that the clock in the $15-a-night hotel room, most likely battery-run (and batteries here tend not to be terribly sturdy), has said 5:05 since we checked in 9 days ago.

Unlike in the U.S., where we measure time in minutes, Vietnam speaks of time (and everything else) in terms of custom and relationship, redefining the phrase "taking the time". For people, here how they treat time is neither an investment nor a choice; how they treat time is just the way they do things.

Why Vietnam? (Sandy)

Why Vietnam? I am asked from time to time. I don't like heat, crowds or loud noises. Vietnam is roaring hot, crowded, and operates at high volume. (There is no "indoor voice".) The place is also relentlessly social, and I tend not to be so. 

In the fashion of David Letterman, here are my top 10 reasons:

10. The smell of the tropics, from the moment I step off the plane at Tan Son Nhat Airport.

9. The bang for the tourist buck. The hotel I am staying in as I write this is costing maybe $40 a night, and that includes a breakfast buffet. Last week, in a slightly remote area, the hotel was $15 a night, and that included AC, hot water AND a fan.

8. Good place to sit and watch life on the street. (More bang for the buck.) The eye never rests, and I say that having seen a lot here in the past. But the place is changing. This place is movement.

7. Change is in the air. I have been visiting for a number of years, and it is true as far as I am concerned that the country has changed more in the last 10 years than in the previous 100. There are now cell phone towers everywhere, and thus far, on this visit, I have experienced only one 15-second blackout.

6. The food. Healthy, tasty. GREAT baguettes that never sog despite the humidity. Soup, soup, and more soup. Dragonfruit, pomelo, rambutan, watermelon, fresh (and I mean FRESH) sliced pineapple. Rice. The Vietnamese have quite the sweet tooth and so do I.

5. The consistent resourcefulness and practicality, and often self-effacing (but proud, in a way) modesty of the people I know. They can make anything.

4. Tiger Beer and cafe sua da (expresso over ice with sweetened condensed milk), not necessarily in that order.

3. The necessity of being Zen. The place teaches patience; you can't impose yourself on it. You have no choice but to be zen if you want to come here. Try to impose your idea of order on what you see and you will meet with frustration. You ain't in Kansas anymore. Get over your Western, American self and enjoy.

2. The traffic. Even with some traffic lights and one-way streets, there is still nothing like it. It is the ultimate self-organizing system. It is amazing every time I look at it -- every time I have to learn to cross the street again and again. (Google "Global Nomads" and "Ho Chi Minh City" to see what "crossing the street" means here ...)

1. The people I encounter: the gracious, hustling people whose hospitality puts that of other countries to shame. And their great smiles.

Why Vietnam?

Why not?

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Presentation Day by Lee

Hello again,
Thursday was my big day of presentations. I had prepared two presentations and had to give them one right after the other starting bright and early at 8:00 AM. When I arrived in Vietnam I thought they were pretty much done. I had my trusty USB port, my mini net book and some lovely color copied handouts, but I was told they were too long. It was my fault. I had forgotten to figure in the time it would take to have everything I said interpreted into Vietnamese.

As you may have noticed I am not very good at being brief. Every day for three days I fussed and worried about what should be left in and what should be taken out. I am a good fusser and worrier. Eventually, after lots of editing, they both felt right and I was ready to rock and roll.

The first presentation was about the health care system in the United States. When I arrived the room was all set up and ready with a big screen, projector, microphone etc. I had a lovely and talented interpreter who made everything feel easy and fun.

The second presentation was about risk factors for breast cancer and how to perform breast self exam (BSE). I had the traditional power point presentations, but I also demonstrated BSE on myself (through clothes) and I brought some props and models. I had a whole bag of big pink cloth breasts with a variety of different types of lumps. The attendees all laughed and giggled and passed them around the room with each one palpating for the lumps. Some had more trouble than others finding the lumps, and they eagerly helped each other.

I also brought two very realistic looking breast models with lumps to be palpated. Each of those breasts had four lumps you could find by palpation and four that were so small they couldn't be found unless you shined a flashlight through them. The point being that you must do BSE every month to catch those small lumps as soon as they are big enough to feel and schedule those mammograms regularly too!

One question at the end of the presentation came as a surprise. Someone asked why I had different color breasts with me. I hadn't given it much thought, but one of the realistic breast models was caucasian and one was black. I paused for a moment to think of the best way to say it and decided to keep things light, answering with a smile that we have different color people in the United States. I hadn't noticed up till then that I wasn't really seeing any minorities. Everyone looks Vietnamese except Sandy and me. I certainly noticed that I was a minority and there was no one else like us, but where are all the other minorities and why aren't they here in Vietnam? Diversity brings new and exciting ideas and perspectives...

There are no photos of the presentation that I can attach at this time--maybe later. My good friend who has been taking pictures with his Ipad is very dignified and would have been too uncomfortable to be amongst us as we passed breasts around the room. This is very different than in the States where a bag of fake breasts would be no biggie, but I respect and understand his feelings completely.

The breast cancer presentation turned out to be one of the most enjoyable and rewarding things I have done in Vietnam. As the women relaxed and began to laugh and giggle and do silly things with the models, barriers were broken down and I wasn't Lee from the US and they weren't faculty and students from Vietnam--we were just women.

I know that the women had a good time, but I also know they learned. As I demonstrated BSE on myself at the front of the room, I could see many in the room also practicing discretely on themselves. At the end, after all the fun-- many very thoughtful questions were asked. I will never know how much of an impact this will have. Will they teach their sisters, Mom's, and friends how to do BSE? I hope so! Will the teachers in attendance see that there are more ways than just straight lecturing to teach? I hope so! I have thrown a pebble in the ocean. I do not know to what shores the ripples will go... Good night, Lee

Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Picture Says A Thousand Words by Lee

Hello Everyone,
it's a bit late here and I have to get up very early in the morning for the long ride back to Ho Chi Minh City tomorrow. I am going to try something different and we'll see how it goes. Now that I have pictures flowing into my email regularly from my good friend Mr. Thong, I'll try to post more pictures and say less.

On Wednesday we had a very full schedule. We visited the Medical College and were given a presentation and tour. The director had an excellent interpreter and answered all my many questions. Here are some pictures from the Medical College.

Presentation by the Director at the Medical College

Group picture after the presentation at the Medical College

Lee visits the computer lab at the Medical College

Sandy, Ms. Tanh & Lee At the Medical College

Lee talks with the interpreter at the Medical College

Lee Meets the doctor who runs the A&P Lab at the Medical College

Lee Meets one of the Nursing Instructors at the Medical College

Big group picture at the Medical College

Next we went to the temple in Rach Gia.

I just LOVE this "dragon bush"

The temple is beautiful!!

Right next to the Temple there was a free clinic that I was so happy to be able to visit.  Volunteers did all the work at the free clinic. Several elderly women were sitting outside chopping and grinding medicinal plants for making the traditional medicines. Inside the clinic additional volunteers mixed the medicinal plant ingredients in the right proportions to make a wide variety of traditional medicine prescriptions.

Volunteers working hard in the hot sun.

Volunteers preparing medicinal plant-based prescriptions.

After the visit to the free clinic we continued on to the Kien Giang Museum to learn a little community history.

Kien Giang Museum Entrance
A very big sea turtle and traditional hats at the museum.

At the end of the day I am enjoying some Sarsi (Vietnamese version of root beer) with friends.

This is the restaurant where I learned to "pop" the hand towels--good fun!!
 Wednesday was a very full day!!!  It ended with a very relaxing dinner with our friends from Kien Giang Community College.  Sandy and I are learning so much and building wonderful friendships!

Friday, June 8, 2012

Sorry I've Been Away! by Lee

Hello Everyone,
so sorry that I haven't been blogging as regularly lately. Things got a little hectic as I began my "working days". On Tuesday June 5th we began touring health care facilities. First we went to Bin An Hospital, which is the western hospital. The director was very hospitable. He spent some time telling us some general information about the facility and then allowed me to ask him many questions. The hospital was very bright and clean and is making good use of modern technology for medical testing. I have many photos to share once I get home.

Next we went to the traditional hospital which was a bit smaller and quite a bit older, but they are doing some construction for some additional space. One of the most fascinating things about the tour of the traditional hospital was when they showed us the room where they "cook the medicine". They have a room full of what looks like clear pressure cookers and you can see the medicinal plants simmering away, and the whole room smells delicious. They seal some of the liquid medicine in little pouches and they bottle some of it too. We were able to see how they do everything start to finish!

Then we went to the pharmacy where the traditional pharmacists were wrapping up the dried plant medications in little paper parcels. They were following a prescription that looked more like a recipe. They would weigh a big handful of one type of dried plant and then put a little onto each of about 8 big pieces of butcher paper. Then do the same for each ingredient. Once all elements of the prescription were piled onto the paper they wrapped it all up and moved on to the next prescription type. I think they boil it all up together like tea, but I'm not sure.

The pharmacists at the traditional hospital gave me a package of some thin pieces of a tree trunk (yes, wood) and told me it was for the next time I got a sore throat. Then they invited me to try a little right then, so I bit a little piece off. It was strangely sweet, and as you might imagine, very chewy and hard! They said several times "like chewing gum", which I think means don't swallow it. Can't say I was even tempted to swallow it  ;-0

After that we visited the orphans in Mong Tho and the "Old People's Home" which is on the same grounds as the orphanage. The orphans and elderly are clean, well fed, and appear well cared for--and cared about. The women providing care were very kind and gentle. The food is simple, but enough. I was very saddened to see so many children who will probably never get the opportunity to be raised in a home with parents of their own--and elderly people who seem to have few family connections or visitors. They are all in it together.

It was a very busy day that ended with "coffee" with our friends from the local community college. Going to a coffee bar in Vietnam does not mean you are going to drink coffee. They serve a wide variety of nonalcoholic drinks. One of my favorites is Pennywort and coconut combined together in a drink that is sort of like a smoothie. It is a terrible shade of dark green and smells strange, but it tastes sort of spearminty and is very good. Goodnight, Lee

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Hotpot Blog #2 (Sandy)

At the Vietcombank ATM, my First Niagara checking account balance was in Vietnamese dong ... and I am Donald Trump, Warren Buffett, and Oprah all in one! (20,000 VNese dong to one dollar.)
Walked out of the $15 a-night hotel, took a left, and saw my laundry drying on the clothesline next to the street.

"Party animal" is not the same as "animal party."

Very bald tires. Very.

KFC in Coop Mart near the school. Yes, KFC.

The "Saigon bread" baguettes that should be sogging in the outdoor sauna buit that never do.

Dragon-shaped topiary at Nguyen Trung Truc temple. Pass the camera.

Kung Fu Panda in 3-D is in town.

Steak and egg breakfast is served sizzling on a cast iron plate in the shape of a cow -- one cow plate per person.

Boyfriend #1 is Mr. AC, and boyfriend #2 is Mr. Hot Water (even in a $15/night hotel).

Rumble strips that everybody ignores.

I still hear the same rooster that has been following me for years, every time I get here.

There may be something to this: know how someone sings karaoke, and you know who they are. Some prefer sad-sounding ballads, and others prefer snazzy finger-popping songs. One person sings with a microphone in one hand and a mug of Tiger beer (complete with chunk of ice in it) in the other. The one thing it has in common: it is all loud. There are no soft, quiet songs in the karaoke repertoire. None! And it happens while people are finishing dinner, so attention need not be paid, really, but there is no way you cannot hear it.

And then: a stop at a coffee shop to hang out for a while around a table for four, to check email and play with the iPad, to get caught up on even more news -- to sit around in a public place with your friends, with people some of whom you wish you knew better -- all while you slide your shoes off and make yourself at home.

Food=Culture (Sandy)

There are many ways to try to explain this culture: the motorbikes, cars, bikes and pedestrians that, aside from the occasional stoplight (which are increasingly minded), move as fish swim, sort of; the heat the kind of slows people down, but not too much since they keep zooming along on their motorbikes -- and those motorbikes are literally the coolest place to be; and the hotpot.

Here's how the hotpot works: Everybody eats family style, even in the fanciest restaurant. A hot plate kind of thing with a large bowl of broth in it is placed in the middle of the table, and then meat, fish, seafood, and vegetables are added to bubble and cook until they are done. It would seem as though no two hotpots are the same, but maybe they are. (And you are wise if you manage to sit downwind from the hotpot as it simmers.)

On the side, on a plate, is usually a pile of rice or cold rice noodles. Each person puts rice or noodles (usually just one or the other is served, not both) in their own small rice bowl and then someone serves the hotpot -- the soup with all the fresh, tasty ingredients -- over it. And eventually, as often as not, everybody is serving everybody else. Everybody tries to help everybody have a good meal, so with your chopsticks you deliver food to your own mouth as well as you make sure everybody else has something -- or more than just something -- in their rice bowl.

A meal here is a social, group enterprise; food is not just nutrition. A meal is an act of connection.

Eating the hotpot, then, redefines the meaning of "we are what we  eat" -- yes, we are what we eat, but we also are who we serve: we serve each other, and we do so just as the spices in the broth and the fish and tamarind and celery and unnamed vegetables and all the other ingredients blend together to make one soupy, slurpy, messy and incredibly tasty piece.

All in one, one in all.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

A Lovely Day, by Lee

Yesterday was a very relaxed and pleasant day. It began by meeting a couple new friends from KGCC for breakfast. Today breakfast was a fried egg, some roast beef, rice with veggies, a few fries, and some mixed vegetables. It was very good. Then it was off to the ATM to try and get some more Vietnamese dong followed by shopping.

We shopped at several jewelry stores and saw many beautiful, but expensive pieces of jewelry. It was very difficult, but I used great restraint at the jewelry stores. Larry will be so relieved.

After several jewelry stores it was time for lunch. My dietary restrictions can be a bit tough here in Vietnam. I am so sorry to be a bother, but everyone is very patient and kind about it. Lunch was a couple fried eggs, rice, veggies, and pho (soup). As always, everything was cooked just right and delicious. We ate lunch a bit late so I think we were cutting in to the owners nap time. He was asleep in his hammock before we left the restaurant.

Hammocks are very popular here in Vietnam. I had noticed that on the road between HCMC and KGCC there are many places with between 10 and 30 hammocks all set up together under some type   of shanty roof. When I asked about these hammocks we were told they are for tired people who have been working hard or driving a long time. They can pay a fee and come in and take a nap. Even better than a rest stop on the thruway!! I bet they can get a bowl of pho too!

After our daily nap I had my first "hot pot" meal. It's like a little soup pot on a stand with a good size flame burning underneath to keep it hot. It comes with a mountain of fresh herbs and greens to throw in. It was a very unique and pleasurable dining experience for me. Sandy and I dined with two teachers from KGCC who were excellent company. They were so kind and courteous and wanted to make sure we had a lovely evening. They took us to the night market and also helped me find a new alarm clock, because mine hasn't been working well. Then it was off to the coffee bar to enjoy fruit smoothies and watch the motor bikes go by. It was a terrific day!

I feel more like I'm on vacation than a professional development trip, though I am learning a lot about how different lifestyles can be---and yet there are many similarities... I had written in an earlier post that the Vietnamese seem to enjoy being alike. While I was shopping for my sisters I was looking to get something "the same" for all of them. It makes us feel closer when we all have the same piece of jewelry...then the light bulb went on! There is value in diversity and value in unity as well...  Lee

Friday, June 1, 2012

Random thoughts from Vietnam, by Lee

I can't believe how well rested I am!! Sometimes I am back at the hotel by 7 or 8 PM and there isn't much to do other than email, blog, and go to bed.. I can't sleep the whole night through-- so sometimes I get up during the night and check email or read, but I usually do fall back to sleep. The Vietnamese are big nappers too. Everyday after lunch we nap for an hour or two during the hottest part of the day. Just like a siesta!  I can hardly believe what a difference all this rest makes in how I feel! I was supposed to get up at 0730 this morning, but by 0615 I just couldn't lay around anymore and got up. That is truly weird for me!

I saw my first hotel reptile last night. He was a little bitty thing and was racing down the hall at the hotel. Much too fast for me to get a picture of him. There was a moment when I almost screeched and looked for a chair to jump on, but then I got over it and found him kinda cute and interesting.

When we arrived at the college yesterday it was children's day in Vietnam. They were having a little party for all the faculty members children and invited Sandy and I to attend and have our picture taken with the children.Later on when we were at the market searching for cold sodas and a few necessary items, a little girl from the party was there and ran up to me and tugged on my shirt.  It was so nice, like running into an old friend. We couldn't do much more than smile at each other, but it was lovely. I guess I made a little friend!

Have a great day everyone!!

We Finally Arrived at KGCC by Lee

Hello All,
I didn't think I was going to have the energy to blog tonight, but there's nothing like a warm welcome, good food, air conditioning, and an ice cold diet Pepsi to perk you up.

Today Sandy and I packed up and checked out of the Lan Lan 2 Hotel in HCMC and headed to Rach Gia where we will be working with our sister college, Kien Giang Community College (KGCC). The college administrators were so nice to send a van to pick us up. It was a long drive, about six hours.

 Being a passenger in a van is just about as exciting as crossing the street in Vietnam--which is more excitement than I really need! The traffic is very heavy in Vietnam and everyone drives at whatever pace suits them. There are few signs, and fewer traffic lights. Drivers just keep tooting their horns and forging ahead. I felt my heart in my throat several times as we came within inches of hitting a motor bike.

The motorbike seems to be the main mode of transportation. Women in dresses and high heels ride them, men in suits too. Whole families together with up to four people piled onto the seats. I'm not sure if there are age requirements or rules about riding on a motor bike here. I have seen everyone from infants to quite elderly folks enjoying a ride.

As we rode along we eventually got hungry and thirsty and stopped for a bite of lunch. Sandy and I both enjoyed some fried chicken, rice and vegetables. One not so wonderful thing about our lunch stop was that I had to use a "squat toilet" for the first time. I can't say that I enjoyed the experience--although it was novel! I had to get one leg completely out of my pants to make it work. If anyone has a better system, I'm open to suggestions. I guess I shouldn't feel too concerned about this affront to my dignity. There are a lot of people who do business this way everyday.

While we were still stopped for lunch we stopped at a little market and our friend and translator bought us some prickly looking fruit to try that sort of looks like chestnuts. When you peel them they are soft, translucent and white inside. They sort of taste like a grape with a good size pit in the middle.

Our friend also bought us these funny looking things that resembled a present. They were square, wrapped in green leaves and tied with a purple bow. I was bummed to discover that they contained pork, so I couldn't give them a try.

As we finished up our drive it was amazing how the landscape changed from moment to moment. One minute everything would be very urban with high traffic and many homes and family businesses crowded together. In the next moment you would see rice paddies and a water buffalo or two. There were homes on stilts right in the river and homes with thin thatch looking roofs. Many homes appeared to be made out of scrap metal. All the buildings tend to be very narrow. Poverty and wealth seemed a bit intertwined. There might me miles of homes made out of scraps with a random beautiful home or two mixed in here and there.

One thing that struck me as unusual is that all the family businesses seemed to be selling the exact same things--and almost every family appears to have a business in the front of their home. They sold bottled water, chips, bowls of rice, and pho "soup". Being the same seems to be valued in Vietnam. At the war remnants museum all the children's drawings about hope and peace had the same 5 or 6 primary colors and all had a vague similarity. The women tend to wear their hair about the same length, straight, and parted slightly off to the side. Everywhere you go, employees tend to be in a uniform. No one really stands out. I keep thinking that a little diversity might be good for the economy and good for the soul to.

Finally we arrived at KGCC after a day of riding in the college van. As we pulled into the college grounds we were greeted with such warmth and big smiles that I felt like I was being welcomed home by family. The faculty and administrators brought us right into the faculty lunch room where the table was all set and the food was already simmering away. I pulled out my cheater chopsticks, which were a big hit! Dinner was wonderful and then we learned that it was children's day in Vietnam so we attended the celebration. Now it is time for rest after a very full day, Goodnight All, Lee

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Raining Cats and Dogs! (Lee)

All day yesterday it was very hot and humid with threatening skies. Sandy kept telling me eventually it will rain hard and the heat will break. I have been awakened by such heavy rains hitting the roof, no thunder, just pounding rain. I have seen people at night asleep on their motor bikes, and one person asleep in a hammock strung between two lamp posts. I wonder how they are tonight...  Goodnight, Lee

Sandy's First Blog

My apologies to our readers for my not getting into this blog stuff as soon as I would have liked, but here you go. This first one was written only a few days ago in the Newark Airport when we did not yet know we would get here okay and that ... well, the trip would get better after the initial surprise! glitch.

I used to say that the hardest thing about travel was getting off the couch, but, given the start of this trip, I would like to modify that statement: the hardest part is getting to the airport, especially when you realize that you have no Plan B. In other words, if I don't get there in time, Lee has no idea what to do. We had no backup plan; we just had Meet at The Airport.

So, to get ready for this venture, I go the clothes washed; the gifts chosen; made arrangements to have the office plants watered,  and for the house and cats to be tended by my dear friend John. And a few days before I left, when the plumber finally came and saw what he did, I even turned off the water to the house and put in stores of bottled water for the cats along with food and litter. I had taken care of everything, or so I thought.

But when on a national holiday at 6.30 a.m. I got in my car to drive to the airport--everybody else I know either asleep or, DUH, having a holiday in their holiday-- a light on the dashboard came on: the engine coolant level. And it made a noise.

This was on a car with a history of electronic quirks: for a while last fall for about a month, before The Great Rain, the sunroof opened whenever I opened the driver's side window. And then it just stopped happening.

So there I was. Which way should I bet? Was this yet another electronic quirk or the more serious problem that the owner's manual said it was? The local weather was supposed to be as hot as Vietnam, but ... well, what exactly does the coolant do and well, how important is it, really? Is it like air conditioning that you can live without if you have to? The owner's manual made it sound life or death. The engine coolant was not the same as my boyfriend Mr. A.C. in Vietnam--nice but I am not going to die, necessarily, without the cool air.

Everybody I knew who had not left town was not an early riser. So I called a cab. (The ride to the airport was expensive enough that I think there might be some virtue in MV's looking at our providing the occasional ride to the airport at the end of the semester, not just at the beginning of the semester.) But it got me there.

And I live to tell about it.

On the bright side: I wrote the first draft of this blog at gate C121 at Newark Airport. Since then, I have learned that my cats are fine, my family is fine, my friends are fine. The car just sits there and so be it. The damage was only monetary except for a pretty frazzled nerve or two there for a while. I will have to get the Jetta to the dealer when I get back--without it exploding, I hope, or whatever might happen--but okay.

So here I am. Outside the sun is just bleaching and  it's hotter than wherever you are (trust me).  I am in  a place with a lot of bang for the traveler buck; a place where the eye never rests; a place that tells you, "Look, look", a place of movement and energy, a place where I sometimes have no idea what is going on but I do pretty well anyway, all things considered. Usually, anyway.

Since this is a blog and not some big Official Essay, let me offer more than one conclusion here, Dear Reader,  in keeping with the abundance--the heat, the light, the greenery, the traffic, the noise, the smiles, the everything-- here in the tropics. You choose:

Sometimes adventure comes to you.

Sometimes adventure starts at home.

It's always good to have Plan B even if you think there is absolutely no need. (That thinking that there is no need may be hubris, plain and simple.)

And to wax philosophical: a poet once had a speaker in his poem say, "I am a part of all that I have met," and that is true, and it is also true that all that I have met is part of me--even the freakin' Jetta and the @#$%^ engine coolant light.

Thanks for reading and please post if the spirit moves ...

Day two in Ho Chi Minh City by Lee

Today was a whirlwind day of shopping and activity. Sandy and I met for breakfast again and I had a combination of typical US breakfast food and a bit of Vietnamese food too. I had a little mini omelet, fried banana (can't get enough of those), boiled sweet potato, and a spring roll.

After breakfast we learned that our afternoon appointment at the consulate office was cancelled. After a moments disappontment we realized that we had a totally free day in Ho Chi Min City to do whatever we wanted. We jumped out of our skirsts and into casual clothes and headed off for more shopping.

All the shops are very small and narrow. Sandy tells me that taxes are based on how wide the building is. The goods are set up far into the street so that nearly every block is like an open air market. Today we went by several beautiful flower shops with flowers I have never seen or smelled before.

Later we finally made it to the official market. It is fascinating to me that raw meat is just sitting out in the open air in this incredible heat. I was thinking that I would probably get some terrible version of food poisoning if I ever ate any of this meet, and then I wondered where the restaurants that I eat at have been getting their meat????!!!! Makes me want to reconsider vegetarianism! I know the seafood must be fresh because fish are kept alive swimming in little bins. Maybe they are kept alive until just before they go in the cooking pan?

In the evening we went to see the War Remnants Museum. It is very sad to see the pictures and artifacts from the Vietnam War, but such a moving and emotional experience to see the war from the Vietnamese perspective. It was especially sad to see the lingering effects of agent orange and the on-going suffering of those born with congenital anomolies attributed to agent orange.

On the brighter side, they did have a large section of the museum with drawings depicting peace and hope that were made by children. These pictures were beautiful and showed remarkable talent and optimism for a future marked by peace. My favorite picture drawn by a child was a picture of the world with trees and animals and a river running through it. There were outstretched hands reaching towards the earth in peace. The hands were all different colors recognizing different races. When you see the war through Vietnamese eyses in the War Remnants Museum, it is a very hopeful thing to see the optimism of children for the future.

After that it was off to the Water Puppet Show, which was a lot of fun. Very colorful with dragons, brightly colored fish, and all kinds of splashing and playfullness. At the end one of the dragons was even breathing fire!!

We met an Australian Bloke at the water puppets show. I think he was so relieved to be amongst English speaking people that he just latched right onto us and was talk, talk, talkin. Wherever you are Damon from Australia have a good night and safe travels.

It's time for me to start packing up all my stuff to get ready for the journey to the Mekong Delta tomorrow. I am very excited to see parts of Vietnam outside the city and am looking forward to arriving at KGCC. Goodnight family, friends, coleagues, and anyone else who cares to read about our adventures in Vietnam. Lee

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

First Full Day Behind Us! (Lee)

Hi All,
Sandy and I had a wonderful first day! She is showing me all the wonderful sights and is watching over me like a very protective momma. You should all google crossing the street in Vietnam or in Ho Chi Min City and look for video of this experience. Then you will know why I need a protective momma!

On our first day we met for breakfast bright and early at 0730. Breakfast is included with our hotel room. You can get a wide range of "breakfast items". I had a little bit of pankake and these cute little teeny weeny omeletts along with a mini "hombuger" complete with lettuce, tomato and what I thought was ketchup. I don't know what the red stuff actually was, but it wasn't ketchup--delicious though, sort of sweet. I also tried a batter dipped, deep fried banana that was out of this world!

Next we ventured out into the city and met with Rad Kivette from the Vina Capital Foundation. His group is working to improve health care access and outcomes for poor children in Vietnam. He was very knowledgeable and just a wonderful resource regarding health care in Vietnam. It is also nice that he is from North Carolina originally, so we could relax and enjoy communication in our native tongue. If anyone is interested in learning more about the Vina Capital Foundation there is a website at www.vinacapitalfoundation.org

After our meeting it was already time for lunch. I had pho, which is soup, but it is much heartier than soup in the US. It comes with a plate of extra vegetables, herbs, and bean sprouts to throw in fresh. I had forgotten to bring my "cheater chopsticks" with me from the hotel, but I did very well eating soup with chopsticks--and I only wore a very little bit of my soup!

Next we went shopping for a silk jacket for Sandy, but struck out there. Then we popped into the Sheratin to check out Spa prices. We might just get a little pampering while we are here.

Then it was time for the after lunch nap, which I thoroughly enjoyed. I listened to someone singing music from the Phantom of the Opera on television as I fell asleep. He was a Vietbamese singer, but his English pronunciation was perfecto! It was lovely.

After our nap we went for a walk to see the sights and power shop. The people are very kind. They seem to realize that I am a bit out of my element. It is such an unusual experience to look out into a sea of faces and no one is like me. No one looks like me or sounds like me or can really know how different the rhythms of this City are compared to what I am accostomed to.

At one little shop the young woman who took care of my purchases spoke little English, but was able to convey to me that I should keep my purse zipped and in front of me and hang onto it tightly. She also showed me not to let my camera dangle from my wrist by its cord, but to keep it firmly in my hand. I was so moved by the care and concern she showed to someone she didn't know at all and would probably never see again. I felt like we touched hearts--it was nice to receive such kindness from a stranger. Lee

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

We Made It! (Lee)

Hi Everyone,
Sandy and I have arrived safe and sound. We are both glad to be done with flying for a couple weeks. I was feeling a little tired and not quite myself. My hotel room is 117 and I was thinking it would be on the first floor--turns out it was on the 11th floor. So just finding my room was my first Vietnam Adventure!

We will settle in for a good rest. It is 2:00 AM here, and then be up bright and early to enjoy all the sights of Ho Chi Min City. If anyone is curious about what the hotel is like, they have a web site at www.lanlanhotel.com.vn  

I almost forgot, we did have a little adventure on our longest flight from Newark to Hong Kong. They made an announcement over the loudspeaker asking for a doctor. I didn't see anyone responding, so I asked if I could help. One of the flight attendants was having an allergic reaction to something and her face was swelling up. I couldn't do too much other than offer her some allergy medication that I had and stay with her awhile to make sure she didn't run into trouble breathing. A doctor did come up front after a bit, but he only spoke Mandarin so he wandered back off when he saw she had someone to look after her.

The flight attendants were all so nice and grateful that I came forward that they gave me a big bottle of champagne from first class. Unfortunately it was confiscated on the next leg of our journey. Oh well--easy come, easy go! Good night all,  Lee

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Directions ;-)

I have received emails from family and friends wondering how you post a comment. To post a comment, click on the title of the post that you want to comment on. I posted a practice comment by clicking on where it says "Getting ready" underneath the heading "Blog Archive". The Blog Archive is on the right above my picture. Hope this helps. Happy posting. Lee

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Getting Ready (Lee)

Hi Everyone,
I thought I better practice blogging before I leave the country. Knowing I can accomplish this task will give me one less thing to worry about.

I am finally packing the last few things and getting ready to head to Vietnam. I can't believe my good fortune to have this wonderful opportunity. Thank you to all my friends and colleagues at MVCC who are wishing me well and sending me on my way.

As I put everything I can possibly think of that I might need into my luggage--it occurs to me that baggage inspectors in other countries must think Americans are terrible hypochondriacs. Oh well--if either Sandy or I don't feel well in any way--I think I've got it covered.

The baggage inspectors may also wonder about the wide range of odd looking breasts in my luggage too...

Good night everyone, Lee